Please scroll down to get resources to share with your team and clients. We’ll be updating this page constantly, so please be sure to continue checking back.

How WhiskerCloud can help customize your communication with clients.
We know this is scary, and we’re here to help. Your website and social media channels are the most valuable tool you have to communicate directly with your clients. At this time, we have already assisted hundreds of hospitals in building custom landing pages, and we want to share some ideas with you to best communicate with clients.
- Put an announcement on the homepage of any disruptions or changes in your current hospital procedures. Are you changing hours? Closing for specific days? If there are any major changes coming to your hospital, please let us know so that we can update your website and online listing to reflect these changes.
- It’s important to let people know what you’re doing to provide a safe and clean environment for them. If you have increased already high sanitation standards and are banning all hand-shaking in the clinic, it’s important to share that information with clients before their next visit. This also includes things like limiting the number of people in the waiting room, etc.
- Currently, both WHO and the CDC are saying that pets are unable to get COVID-19. We have already seen hundreds of comments and questions coming into client websites and social media posts about this, and it’s important to have all members of your team there to provide concrete facts and information on this subject.
- If you have a special communication portal (email, phone, chat) to share with clients that do have concerns about any of these changes, it’s important to share that as well.
Current clients of WhiskerClould should email our support team at digital@whiskercloud.com for any help they may need in conveying their messaging surrounding coronavirus. We’re happy to create announcements on the homepage, social media posts, graphics, landing pages, blog posts, or anything else you may need to educate your clients. Your website is custom-built, and ready for anything you need to add. Please remember that WhiskerCloud clients get unlimited support and that our team is well-versed in this subject and here to help with anything that we can.
Resources from the WhiskerCloud team.
News and information from our team of experts on what to do to keep your business stable during the coronavirus pandemic. Veterinary hospitals are considered “essential business” and should be treated as such.
WhiskerCloud’s Preparedness for COVID-19
Hello, world! I wanted to reach out to all of you personally. Here at WhiskerCloud, we take your business quite seriously....