If you’re in or around the Phoenix, Arizona area this week and have some spare time on your hands, come on down to the BlogPaws conference from June 23-25 and hang out with the WhiskerCloud gang! Our CEO, Adam Greenbaum, will be speaking about analytics, web design, social media marketing, and the future of veterinary marketing. The rest of the team is tagging along to unveil WhiskerCloud’s features to the biggest influencers in the pet community.

What is the BlogPaws Conference? Here’s a great description straight from the organization:

“We’re a 3-day conference jam-packed with educational sessions led by leading professionals, networking with influencers, a busy exhibit hall, exciting brand events, more influencers, and lots of pets. Pets remain at the heart of everything BlogPaws does. Our pet-friendly conferences invite all pets, everywhere in the event space.

In the world of pets, we began the conversation in 2010, and we have dominated it ever since. Today, we are the conversation. Last year, the chatter on social at the 2015 conference reached 75.9 million people with 3.7 million engaged.

We invite you to be part of the unique experience that is a BlogPaws Social Media and Pet Blogging Conference.”

Yes, there will be a ton of veterinary professionals there for you to mingle with. The entire WhiskerCloud team looks forward to meeting you! Please let us know if you’ll be attending so we can make sure to meet you and say hello.

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