Disclaimer: this post is meant to be silly and fun. We are dedicated to the veterinary industry because of the amazing and dedicated people that give their lives to protecting animals. Every single person that works at WhiskerCloud has pets and strong relationships with our veterinarians. We are so proud to work with such amazing people. We are also aware that working in the veterinary industry is not all fun and games, and the work done is more serious that a post with cute photos.
1. You get to hang out with animals all day while most people don’t. Yes, you can ever carry them around in your pocket to keep your busy hands free.
2. Thank you hugs after saving an animal’s life are basically guaranteed.
3. No one has better or cuter photos of animals on their phone than you.
4. All of the special bonding moments after you’ve made an animal feel better.
5. On any given day, a tub of puppies can randomly appear in your life.
6. The smiling animals looking at you after you’ve made them feel better.
7. Cats are just everywhere around the office and it’s amazing.
8. Kittens that fit in your palm.
9. Sometimes, you even get to play with a teacup pig!
10. All of those times you get to carry a tortoise around the office.
The truth is that there are so many amazing reasons working in the veterinary industry is the best job on the planet! Which reason is your favorite?