The goal of a great website is to convert every user that lands on it. We build out click-to-call and click-to-email features on WhiskerCloud websites because we want to make it as simple as tapping the screen of a smartphone for someone to call or email you (convert). We also build out custom forms and make sure to put the most valuable information in the places that people look at most. The goal is always to help every user that comes to your website do something that impacts your business. We drive more conversions by driving more traffic to your website, so it’s no surprise that some veterinary hospitals do AdWords, Facebook ads, and other local print ads. How nice would it be to cut that budget in half? You do that by driving more free traffic to your website. Search engine traffic is free, and it’s a beautiful thing.
Strong SEO begins with the build of your website. It’s about the code being done correctly, image files being sized, named, and implemented properly on your website, and adhering to Google’s standards to make your site as user-friendly as possibly. These aren’t the only things that must be considered when working to get your website ranked higher, your site must be fast, secure, mobile-responsive. Note: Our cloud server produces the fastest, most secure websites in the veterinary industry.
One of our Canadian veterinary clinics launched their website about a month ago. These are the statistics of how traffic came to their website, and as you’ll see, over 75% of their traffic came from organic search engines!
How nice would it be to get three out of every four people that come to your website for free from good search engine rankings? It truly is a beautiful thing.
If you have an old website that doesn’t rank high (or at all) on Google and you’re spending money on marketing, it’s time to move your money and invest in a custom website. The low, one-time fee will make you so much more money in the long run than continuing to spend money to get traffic to your website.