Going crazy trying to figure out how to grow a veterinary practice? There is no one-size-fits-all way to get it done but today we’re going to give you tips that will work. Today we’re going to give you all of the tips you need to see more patients, gain more online traction, and watch revenue grow at your veterinary practice. Follow these steps (we can also help) and you will absolutely see growth.

1. Fix and update your website.

It’s 2016 and first impressions matter. No website means no business. A bad website can also mean no business, especially if it’s not mobile responsive. Did you know that 91% of people use their mobile device to search for a product or service? If 100 people search for a veterinarian in your area from their phone and your website isn’t mobile responsive, you just lost potential business. When building your website, make sure your contact information is easily located and your services are made very clear. Strong content and the latest technology will also increase your search engine scores. Google ranks sites based on keywords, mobile responsiveness, and user experience on the website, if your site is not user-friendly or outdated, you’ll be missing out on free leads for your practice. Having an amazing website is exactly how to grow a veterinary practice.

2. Be active with content and social media.

We’ve heard it plenty of times, “we don’t have time for social media!” We understand that your time should be spent on much more valuable things, like keeping our animals happy and healthy. New data states 94% of people use social networking to learn, 78% to share knowledge and 49% to access needed expertise. Great content leads to better search engine rankings, the same goes for social media engagement. By sharing expertise, participating in local chats, and showcasing what makes your veterinary practice so special, you’ll absolutely see an increase in new clients. Still don’t have the time for all of this? WhiskerCloud can help!

3. Everyone reads reviews.

Google, Facebook, Bing, Yelp, and plenty of other local business websites offer your patients the ability to review you for everyone to see. In some cases, those reviews show up in search results before your website does. The more good reviews, the more traction you’ll get. Encourage your most loyal patients to give good reviews on all of those sites (hey, you earned it!) and you’ll immediately see more traffic coming to your site. More traffic and a ton of happy patients spreading the word about you will lead to more patients moving forward.

4. Offer more convenience to potential clients.

You don’t have time to manage a website, run a veterinary practice, and worry about marketing – potential clients feel the same way about navigating an old website, searching for contact information, or having to fill out a ton of paperwork when they get to your office. Make sure your address, phone number, and a way to contact your staff is front and center on the homepage of your website. You can also host your new patient paperwork right on your website, allowing new clients to fill it out before coming to the office! This will lead to happier clients and happier staff in the long term.

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