You know that a strong social media presence is important for your veterinary hospital, but are you using it to create and sustain relationships with your clients? Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are not just places to post into the void and sell, sell, sell! In fact, your social media pages can do wonders for your business – and also really hurt your business.

According to a recent study, customer churn increases by up to 15% for businesses that fail to respond to customer messages on social media platforms. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of it!

Yes, you need to focus on building relationships with all social media followers.

Why is this so important? The data suggests that it’s huge for your business’ growth.

  • 91% of people believe in social’s power to connect communities.
  • 78% of consumers want brands to help people connect through social.
  • 76% of respondents were more likely to buy from a brand they felt connected to on social media than a competitor.

How can veterinary hospitals take advantage of this information? Get personal. These pages are your direct link to clients, think about what valuable information you can give them.

WhiskerCloud offers total social media management for our clients, and we work hard to create a mix of content that links back to the hospital’s website. These posts involve/include anything from informational posts, infographics, and with the help of our clients – recognizing amazing clients and patients.

You saw the stat above, 76% of respondents were more likely to buy from a brand they felt connected to on social media than a competitor. Do you feel that you’re connecting with your community? Are you creating loyalty with clients by giving them valuable information online? If not, it’s time to start.

Stop posting, and start listening.

We focus so much on what we’re going to post, that sometimes we forget about crafting the perfect response or offering help promptly. Welcome to 2019 – everything on Earth is now instant. According to The Social Habit, 32% of customers expect a response within 30 minutes online. Fail to address their concerns fast enough, and you could see your customers’ anger spread across social media. That’s crazy, isn’t it? Not to worry, WhiskerCloud has multiple people managing Sprout Social’s smart inbox to make sure all comments, messages, and concerns are being responded to quickly all day.

Create a connection!

Social media isn’t just a sales tool; it’s a great way to give customers a look behind-the-scenes and helps create a stronger human connection. Be sure to showcase the hospital and the people that make it so great (YOU!). A Q&A with the doctor, photos of the staff, behind-the-scenes of the exam rooms will give people an in-depth look at life at your hospital. We highly recommend featuring unique clients and patients – they’ll love to see themselves on your page and will be much more likely to share it.

Need post ideas? User-generated content to the rescue!

Not every post by you needs to be a custom graphic that’s tied to a blog post – sometimes a simple picture does the trick. The best thing you can do is ask clients to share photos of their pets. This allows you to get free content sent to you, allowing you to dress it up, make it fun, and create that connection we talked about above. Use fun holidays to get content to post – and your content calendar will be filled up in no time!

Are you using social media to create strong connections with your clients? Tell us in the comments section!